My brand pays homage to the rich history of American sports culture. My passion for vintage sports apparel and culture inspires me to sell high-quality athleisure wear, accessories and home decor that celebrate the enduring power of classic design.

I am proud to offer garments made of the finest materials with durable stitching featuring timeless designs that never go out of fashion. My dedication to quality and attention to detail ensures that each garment is a tribute to the cultural heritage of American sports. I believe that the best things in life are timeless, and my mission is to create clothing that will stand the test of time. Versatility is the thought process behind my brand. I want a man to have the ability to dress sporty, or casual in one of our signature pieces. Every man has the capability of presenting the best version of himself. And I want to play a major part in creating products that will inspire such confidence.


At Leeder, I understand that every man wants to present his best self, and that starts with the clothing he wears. My athleisure wear for men is designed to be both stylish and comfortable, with signature pieces that offer versatility for any occasion. Whether you're dressing sporty or casual, our products are tailored to meet your needs and inspire confidence.

Leeder is more than just a clothing brand, it's a celebration of the enduring legacy of American sports culture. My brand is rooted in the fundamental values of leadership, teamwork, resilience and discipline that are essential for success in sports and in life. Even from our earliest exposure in grade school phys. ed. classes, I believe that sports can teach us important life lessons, and our mission is to inspire others to embrace these values and carry them forward into the future.


We're passionate about sharing our love of vintage sports-inspired clothing with the world and bringing the beauty and style of the classics to a new generation of fashion enthusiasts.

  • The story of vintage sports clothing is a tale of quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail.

  • Our PHYS. ED. t-shirt is made for champions who crave comfort and style for the gym the court or the field.

  • Our vintage-inspired sports clothing and accessories are made with the same dedication to quality and attention to detail that defined the sportswear of the past.

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